Looking back: Five years since the formation of the "New" Leidos
Today, Aug. 16, 2021, we mark five years since the merger between Lockheed Martin's former Information Systems and Global Solutions (IS&GS) business and Leidos. The IS&GS merger was transformational in our company's history and ultimately shaped the Leidos each of us knows today by nearly doubling the size of the company to 33,000 employees and $10 billion in revenue, forging a new corporate culture together, and realizing business success through the ability to collectively achieve a new level of scale.
Today, we reach an amazing milestone and together become a global solutions company poised for great achievement. We are 33,000 employees strong, in 30 countries, with ~$10 billion in revenue, and we are equipped to address some of the most significant challenges of our time. I know that through your dedication our company will continue to make a meaningful difference in our world.
Roger Krone
Chairman and CEO (Aug. 2016)
The combined capabilities of the new company paved the way for us to pursue and achieve some of our most defining wins, including Global Solutions Management - Operations (GSM-O) II, the Hanford Mission Essential Services Contract, the Reserve Health Readiness Program III (RHRP‑3) contract, the Next Generation Enterprise Network Re-compete (NGEN-R), and the Traveler Processing and Vetting Software contract. As a result of these key program wins and the company’s solid foundation bolstered by the merger, today, Leidos continues on a strong growth trajectory with more than 43,000 employees and over $13 billion in revenue annually.
Below you can step back in time five years and click to explore some of the artifacts from our first days as the “New" Leidos. You’ll find media coverage of the deal and photos from Day 1 celebration events, including the original unveiling of the Leidos Scoop. Since August 2016, Leidos has continued to grow and evolve – thanks in large part to our legacy IS&GS colleagues and all they’ve contributed – and we will undoubtedly continue in that direction for the next five years and beyond.