Site Management & Operation
We've got complex facilities management, operations and logistics down to a science
Leidos has a strong legacy in managing and operating multifaceted facilities and executing logistics programs that support U.S. government agencies and their critical missions. We bring more than 50 years of experience in supporting the Department of Energy’s nuclear and environmental missions by delivering against complex engineering, productions, cleanup, nuclear security and non-proliferation goals. We have the people, processes, technology, and innovative mindset to manage, operate, and optimize the U.S. Nuclear Security Enterprise for years to come.
Community involvement
In 1943, the Hanford Site was selected to produce plutonium for the top secret Manhattan Project, and began more than 75 years of innovation, discovery and leadership. To honor this legacy and the continued work at Hanford, Leidos recently presented a special event entitled “EVOLUTION OF THE SECRET CITY: A Fireside Chat About the Hanford Story”. Speakers included:
- Eric Boyle, Ph.D., Chief Historian for DOE
- Jack Briggs, former publisher, editor and reporter for the Tri-City Herald
- Doc Hastings, former U.S. Representative for Washington’s 4th Congressional District
- Greg Jones, Acting Deputy Manager and Assistant Manager for Budget and Finance for DOE Richland Operations Office
- Mike Lawrence, Former Manager of the DOE Richland Operations Office
- David Reeploeg, Vice President for Federal Programs with Tri-City Development Council (Moderator)
Contracted by the Department of Energy
~2,100 employees from the Tri-Cities Washington area
580-square mile site is larger than the city of Los Angeles
In 2019, DOE awarded the Hanford Mission Essential Services Contract (HMESC) to Hanford Mission Integration Solutions (HMIS), LLC, with Leidos as the majority partner. Leidos and its HMIS partners manage the infrastructure and site services necessary to accomplish critical waste management and the continued environmental cleanup of the Hanford Site.
As the majority partner of HMIS, Leidos services include:
- Water systems, power distribution, and road maintenance
- Information technology and cybersecurity
- Fleet and transportation
- Security and emergency response
- Highly-specialized crane and rigging
- Environmental sustainability and surveillance
- Land management and logistics of land transition to the private sector
- Telecommunications with automated service catalog and help desk
- Integrated site-wide payroll, pension and retirement savings administration
- National training services
Contracted by the Department of Energy (DOE) and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)
~8,000 employees from areas in and around Amarillo, TX and Oak Ridge, TN
The Pantex Plant and Y-12 National Security Complex are two of six production facilities in the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) Nuclear Security Enterprise. Pantex and Y-12 are managed and operated by Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC (CNS) of which Leidos is a minority partner. The Leidos scope includes:
- Operations
- Information Technology
- Engineering
- Supply Chain Management
Contracted by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and through large/small business and national laboratory partners
Major locations supported: Washington, DC; Germantown, MD; Albuquerque, NM; Oak Ridge, TN
Leidos has provided technical, management and programmatic support to U.S. nuclear deterrent and nonproliferation/threat reduction missions since 1969. Our NNSA scope of work has included:
- Life extension programs
- Stockpile sustainment programs
- Stockpile research, development, testing and evaluation programs
- Strategic planning and communications
- Nonproliferation research and development programs
- Nuclear counterterrorism and counter proliferation programs
- Global material security programs
- Nuclear verification programs
Contracted by the Department of Energy
Major sites supported: Hanford Site; Los Alamos National Laboratory; Nevada National Security Site; Sandia National Laboratories; Savannah River Site
Since the early 1980s, Leidos has prepared environmental documentation in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for government regulatory and resource agencies, the military, and commercial customers. For our DOE scope of work, Leidos provides:
- Science and specialty consulting
- Public involvement support
- Expert NEPA documentation – environmental impacts statements, environmental assessments, supplement analyses
Contracted by the Department of Energy in support of the Energy Information Administration (EIA)
EIA issues products daily, weekly, monthly, annually, and periodically as needed or requested
Leidos has worked with the Energy Information Administration for more than 30 years, and most recently was awarded a contract to provide:
- Program management
- Survey support
- Energy analysis and modeling
- Organization support
- Development support for the Short-Term Energy Outlook, Annual Energy Outlook, and Annual International Energy Outlook, among other products
Contracted by Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC for the Department of Energy
Work performed in the sand-hills region of South Carolina
Ranked #40 of the Top 200 Environmental Firms, Leidos provides a range of environmental planning and response expertise to the federal government. For this project Leidos:
- Collected more than 750 samples of sediment, soil and surface water from 104 transects
- Used lanthanum bromide instrumentation to conduct gamma surveys at 41 transects
- Characterized 15,800 acres of the Lower Three Runs Stream
- Completed 8,000+ hours in the swamp during a four-month period
- Completed the project ahead of schedule, with no injuries
Freeing agencies to execute critical missions
Federal agencies perform a wide range of missions in challenging environments – from overseeing nuclear cleanup, to supporting science in Antarctica, to accelerating medical research, to maintaining sensitive compartmented information facilities. Learn how Leidos manages and operates infrastructure for the DOE, NSF, NCI, and the DoD so they can concentrate on their critical missions without distraction.

From an M&O to a performance-based contract
With the release of the Mission Support Contract (MSC) at the Hanford site, the government had the vision to recognize the benefits of change. And, through proven performance, the MSC scope transitioned to a performance-based contract structure with usage-based services. The evolution is paying tangible dividends.

Glaciers to Galaxies
The operations and logistics expertise behind important work for the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, and NASA.