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Corporate Philanthropy

Leidos is committed to the communities where we live and work, and the planet we all share

Leidos' philanthropy improves the lives of our employees and residents of the communities where we live and work. We identify causes and organizations that align with our specific priorities and the unique needs of the communities where Leidos does business.

Specifically, we focus on:

  • Building strong non-profit partnerships focused on overcoming important challenges of our time
  • Making charitable donations to qualified non-profits and also providing in-kind services and materials
  • Organizing company-sponsored volunteer opportunities for employees and also promoting their personal volunteerism interests
  • Supporting our internal Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) and their community outreach priorities
  • Collaborating with other stakeholders (e.g., chambers of commerce, academic institutions, and government agencies) to improve our local communities

Charitable Giving & Volunteerism

During calendar year 2021, we donated $5.74 million to charitable organizations and over 21,000 volunteer hours. The graph below illustrates the distribution of our enterprise-wide charitable giving since calendar year 2018.  

Graphic Chart of Charitable Donations and Volunteer Hours

Leidos does not have a philanthropic foundation (beyond the Leidos Relief Foundation) and does not generally accept unsolicited requests for grants, sponsorships or donations. To execute our giving strategy, we identify and reach out to those organizations that best align with our priorities and objectives as a company.

Leidos Relief Foundation

The Leidos Relief Foundation (LRF) is a 501c3 charitable organization designed to support Leidos employees during times of need. The LRF provides grants to our U.S.-based employees* (including wholly-owned U.S. subsidiaries) with demonstrated hardship during state and/or federally-declared emergencies, specifically natural and/or civil disasters. LRF grants are made possible by the tremendous generosity of individual Leidos employees, as well as the Leidos Board of Directors, who donate money and/or Paid Time Off (PTO) leave hours to help assist those in need. Leidos employees are able to request assistance when they are unable to work or in those circumstances when they themselves are battling the COVID-19 virus or those within their immediate family are similarly impacted.  

In 2021, the LRF provided assistance to 547 impacted employees and distributed more than $1.6 million to support those affected by the pandemic and other disasters. 

The following graph illustrates total Leidos 2021 charitable giving broken down by the company’s focus areas:

Charitable Donation Dollars By Cause Area Chart

Volunteering continues to be an important component of the overall Leidos philanthropic profile and we recognize the unique value it brings to our employees, communities, customers and workplace. Our ongoing commitment continues to drive notable changes in our culture, reflected in how we select non-profit partners, plan outreach activities and recognize the successes of our passionate employee volunteers.

Employees contributed over 21,000 hours to company-sponsored and personal outreach activities in 2021. In addition to supporting company-sponsored efforts, Leidos employees also pursue numerous other cause areas, reflecting their varied passions and interests.

Chart illustrating volunteer hours by cause area in 2021

At Leidos, we regularly highlight employee volunteer accomplishments. This helps to increase employee engagement by incentivizing new volunteer projects and ultimately contributes to improved retention and hiring, respectively. Every day, our employees are change agents in their communities. By combining corporate giving with passionate and inspired employee participation, Leidos is making a meaningful difference to those in need.

*While the LRF is an IRS 501c3 organization established to assist U.S.-based employees, Leidos supports its international employees through a similar claims process, reviewed and adjudicated by in-country Leidos leadership (separate, but similar and consistent with LRF policy).