Glenn Nichols Glenn Nichols is a Marketing Communications Specialist based in Memphis, TN. With a formal and professional background in both engineering and marketing, he has worked in marketing communications for over ten years. Authored by Harnessing trusted mission AI for enhanced enterprise operations Leidos awarded $476 million NASA Cargo Mission Support contract Leidos Create helps women return to STEM roles in the UK Leidos awarded Medicaid Enterprise Systems Integrator contract Why relationships are key for military and commercial success Meet a Leidos Summer Intern: Emily Olivia Hamel on "coming home" to Leidos Leidos builds a new common operating picture for disaster and health emergency missions Engineering offers a diverse range of pursuits Accelerating pediatric cancer research through groundbreaking research and volunteerism Pagination Previous page ‹ Previous Page 10 Next page Next › Share Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Share via Mail Print Insight
Glenn Nichols Glenn Nichols is a Marketing Communications Specialist based in Memphis, TN. With a formal and professional background in both engineering and marketing, he has worked in marketing communications for over ten years.