Glenn Nichols Glenn Nichols is a Marketing Communications Specialist based in Memphis, TN. With a formal and professional background in both engineering and marketing, he has worked in marketing communications for over ten years. Authored by From Fleet Commander to Leidos-Navy liaison: Q&A with Frank C. Pandolfe Leidos and Milken Institute bring companies together to address addiction and mental health crises Meet the Leidos Biomedical Research Team: 5 Minutes with Vladimir Popov, Ph. D. Leidos named to World's Most Ethical Companies® list for sixth consecutive year Hiring Our Heroes: A Win-Win for Veterans and Organizations How Leidos' apprenticeship levy is helping fuel the diverse and dynamic future of UK apprenticeships “From the moment I left, I knew I wanted to come back." Sarah Chabal's path back to Leidos Women of Leidos reflect on International Women’s Day Meet the Leidos Biomedical Research team: 5 minutes with Braulio Cabral, Ph.D. How Veteran Manuel Pacheco found meaning in his civilian career Pagination Previous page ‹ Previous Page 35 Next page Next › Share Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Share via Mail Print Insight
Glenn Nichols Glenn Nichols is a Marketing Communications Specialist based in Memphis, TN. With a formal and professional background in both engineering and marketing, he has worked in marketing communications for over ten years.