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Reveal inspection systems

Reveal Baggage Inspection Systems

Our Reveal® explosives detection systems (EDS) use computed tomography (CT) X-ray technology to automatically detect a variety of explosives in checked baggage at airports and other passenger facilities, with low false alarm rate and high accuracy. Reveal EDS technology meets the world's most demanding EDS standards, including TSA EDS, EU ECAC, and Israeli ISA. Leidos is the leading provider of CT-based EDS machines to TSA, with hundreds of systems deployed in dozens of U.S. airports.

Reveal® CT-80DR+ Baggage Inspection System

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The Reveal CT-80DR+ combines powerful dual-energy X-ray CT imaging with proven explosives-detection technology to provide outstanding threat-detection capabilities with a very low false-alarm rate. With its high performance, compact size and low cost, the CT-80DR+ is a highly effective and economical security solution for airports and other passenger facilities.

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Reveal® CT-800 Baggage Inspection System

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The Reveal CT-800 combines powerful dual-energy X-ray CT imaging with proven explosives-detection technology to provide outstanding threat-detection capabilities with a very low false-alarm rate, plus very high-resolution images for visual inspection. With its high performance and low cost, the CT-800 is a highly effective and practical security solution for airports and other passenger facilities.

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