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Transmission Analysis

Transmission Analysis Services

Understand how transmission interconnection and constraints impact project value

Delivering reliable power to off-takers and the merchant market requires a full account of the complexities of the grid-market nexus. Leidos uses advanced software and models to assess the impact of transmission issues on projects. We interpret results in meaningful ways to help investors and developers compete in today’s electricity markets.

Expertise in transmission assessment

Leidos has targeted expertise in assessing the risks and quantifying the impacts of transmission constraints on existing or planned generation assets. We analyze the effects of transmission congestion, renewable energy curtailments, and locational marginal pricing (LMP) using forward-looking simulations of system operations. Our work supports such activities as due diligence for financing or acquisition, fatal flaw analysis, site evaluation or prospecting, and mid-stage project development.

Leidos offers services designed to study the impact of transmission constraints and congestion management on the viability of a project that includes analysis of 8,760 hour per year production cost modeling with a Security Constrained Economic Dispatch (SCED) evaluation. These services include:

  • Due diligence for generation asset transactions
    • Assessment of the impacts of transmission congestion/losses
    • Evaluation of future risk of curtailment for renewable projects under development
  • LMP forecasting at specific nodes or hubs
    • Analysis of financial transmission rights to hedge congestion risk
    • Evaluation of congestion cost exposure and basis risk under financial hedge agreements or power purchase agreements
  • Transmission economic studies
    • Study of economic system impacts of new transmission lines or upgrades
    • Evaluation of the impacts of generation expansion or retirements on total system congestion
    • System studies to analyze integration of future renewable generation