In some environments––hospitals, airplanes, ground control stations––failed software can mean life or death.
The U.S. federal government spent $146B on software in FY21, a 16% increase over the previous fiscal year.1
Stakes this high demand agile software development that doesn’t sacrifice security.
True agile development deploys mission-ready software continuously to your end-user.
Commercial companies can't bring solutions to the complexity and highly regulated government environment.
The solution: Leidos Delivers Mission Critical Software at Scale Using SecDevOps
Our SecDevOps approach brings security throughout the development life cycle, bringing the speed and agility of a commercial startup to large, mission-critical systems.
Reduces fielding cycles >90%
Modernizes applications 3x faster than traditional approaches
Secure, quality software at scale
High-speed code production
Talent force multipliers
Continuous process transformation
Design patterns for complex problem solving
Reusable services and capabilities
Collaboration across the business
Secure, resilient, adaptable software at scale.
Modernized a legacy application from enterprise to embedded in just four months, resulting in 83% faster performance
Reduced fielding cycle on mission-critical application from 25 to 2 weeks
Replaced and reduced more than 250 user interfaces (UIs)to 80 in a legacy application in under three months, resulting in 68% fewer windows/UIs and a more productive workforce
Modernized three mission-critical applications for a U.S. military branch 3 times faster than government estimates
Delivered a new healthcare application in less than three months, saving the hospital an estimated $22 million in the first year
Delivered a cloud-hosted healthcare application in less than five months from contract signing, using a SecDevOps pipeline to make healthcare more efficient
Contact us to learn more.