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Generate energy savings by planting trees

When it comes to saving energy, many people know the basics – such as turning off lights when not in use, adding insulation, or installing a programable thermostat. But a less-known energy saver is how strategic landscaping can help cut energy bills. As energy costs continue to rise, homeowners and energy efficiency program managers are looking for new ways to save and are realizing the benefits of tree planting as a method for reducing energy use.

How trees can save energy

Planting trees can provide savings on heating and cooling costs in various climates and seasons. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, carefully positioned trees can cut heating and cooling costs by up to 25%. In hot weather, trees provide shade which reduces use of air-conditioning; they also provide a wind barrier in cold weather, reducing the need for heating. To maximize energy efficiency benefits, it is important to consider selecting optimal trees, placement, and individual building factors in developing a landscaping plan.

Since each landscaping project is unique, energy efficiency program technical staff must consider a variety of factors to determine savings and incentive for each custom project. Inputs for their analysis include climate zone, type of residence (single family or multifamily home), existing heating and cooling system details, and infiltration status.

In addition to energy savings, the non-energy benefits of planting trees are vast, including:

  • Supporting states’ overall decarbonization goals
  • Providing cleaner air
  • Increasing property value
  • Improving water quality and storm water control
  • Shading properties
  • Beautifying communities

Ameren Illinois brings tree planting to their energy efficiency program

Illinois has recognized tree planting as an energy-saving measure by adding it to the state’s Technical Reference Manual (IL-TRM). This document provides a consistent basis for calculating energy savings generated by the state’s electric and gas utilities. Leidos, energy efficiency program administrator for Ameren Illinois, was instrumental in this effort, developing the savings calculations for planting trees and working with stakeholders to add the measure to the IL-TRM. 

In an event highlighting the tree planting measure, Ameren Illinois partnered with Trees Forever, the City of Peoria, and the Peoria Park District to plant over 100 trees in neighborhoods with less canopy cover. More than 125 volunteers with Ameren Illinois and several organizations throughout the area helped in this effort, showing support for the community, and providing a long-term investment in Peoria.

I am proud of this achievement and the resulting long-term investment in this Empowered Community: 100 trees for kids to climb, for birds to sing, where nothing but powerlines and concrete stood before.

David Kilgore
Leidos Senior Energy Program Engineer

With over 35 years of experience in the energy industry, Leidos specializes in developing creative ways to engage residential, commercial, and industrial customers across utility service territories. Our team of experts has extensive experience providing technical expertise in program measure adoption and stakeholder and community engagement. For more information on Leidos and our program implementation experience, contact our team.

Photo of Lance Escue
Lance Escue

Lance Escue is a portfolio director with Leidos who has more than 30 years of program and facility management experience in areas that include energy efficiency, industrial plant, environmental investigation/remediation, and nuclear power plants. He has led the implementation of the award-winning Ameren Illinois energy efficiency programs since 2008. In this role, Lance oversees program design, marketing and outreach, field implementation, diversity and inclusion, technical review and incentive processing, Program Ally management, and overall financial execution of the project.


December 18, 2023


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