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Community Engagement in Australia

We're here to serve Australia

We support and serve our local communities by partnering with local organisations.



Our vision is for Leidos Australia to play its role in supporting Reconciliation by fostering a culture that promotes equity, by establishing opportunities for first nations peoples both within our organisation and through business partnerships, and by encouraging positive action throughout the defence industry.

You can find out more about our commitment to Reconciliation here.

Australian War Memorial

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Leidos first partnered with the Australian War Memorial in 2017 on a multi-year project to deliver ‘On Closer Inspection’, a series of immersive 360-degree experiences. Through the use of 360-degree video and virtual reality technology visitors can explore and interact with some of the Memorial's historic large technology objects inside and out.

In 2021, Leidos committed to further multi-year support to enhance digital access to the Memorial’s National Collection materials, hoping to educate the public on the Australian experience of war. In particular, Leidos will fund development of web transcription platforms which will facilitate the review and correction of software-generated transcription of printed records, journals and diaries, audio and video recordings, and photography tags. 

As well as providing a platform and opportunity for the public to actively support the work of the Memorial, the outcome will aid improved accessibility to the digital collections – online, anywhere, anytime. For more information, please visit

Bravery Trust

Bravery Trust new logo

Leidos has been a proud partner of Bravery Trust since 2017. Bravery Trust provides urgent financial support and financial counselling to current and former members of the Australian Defence Force and their families. It provides a financial safety net to those who have suffered an injury or illness as a result of their service and who are experiencing hardship.

Leidos is a Foundation Partner of Bravery Trek, an annual fundraising event where participants commit to walk, swim, cycle or wheelchair the equivalent distance  of an iconic military related route or significant military achievement, and fundraise to support the important work of Bravery Trust. For more information, please visit and