Lance Escue
Lance Escue is a portfolio director with Leidos who has more than 30 years of program and facility management experience in areas that include energy efficiency, industrial plant, environmental investigation/remediation, and nuclear power plants. He has led the implementation of the award-winning Ameren Illinois energy efficiency programs since 2008. In this role, Lance oversees program design, marketing and outreach, field implementation, diversity and inclusion, technical review and incentive processing, Program Ally management, and overall financial execution of the project.
Authored by
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- Operations and logistics from glaciers to galaxies with Lisa DeVine
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- Leidos assists a U.S. Military Branch move to the AWS Cloud
- Social media hoaxes: What's real and what's not?
- Rapid prototyping for rapid success
- Leidos, Rush University System for Health team up to expedite emergency department workflow
- Real-time decision-making with edge to cloud
- FAA selects Leidos for Enterprise-Information Display System