Glenn Nichols Glenn Nichols is a Marketing Communications Specialist based in Memphis, TN. With a formal and professional background in both engineering and marketing, he has worked in marketing communications for over ten years. Authored by Leidos scientists honored for technical research excellence Meet a Leidos Summer Intern: Grant Leidos researchers compete to develop the best unmanned surface vessel model The scale of a Leidos system administrator’s impact What are privacy-enhancing technologies? Leidos and L3Harris announce team for ATHENA-S What does Leidos do? Leidos installs innovative air system to Orion for Artemis III flight Leidos awarded $375 million contract to support Director of National Intelligence Meet a Leidos Summer Intern: Jabari Pagination Previous page ‹ Previous Page 26 Next page Next › Share Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Share via Mail Print Insight
Glenn Nichols Glenn Nichols is a Marketing Communications Specialist based in Memphis, TN. With a formal and professional background in both engineering and marketing, he has worked in marketing communications for over ten years.